Web Solution Packages
Managed code assemblies can be deployed to a SharePoint server using a new capability called Solution Deployment.
Using this capability you can schedule the deployment of the managed code DLL fi le and add CAS settings to the system as a custom security policy fi le.Solution Deployment can also be used to deploy other things in a farm, such as features,
master pages, Cascading Style Sheets, and event handlers.
A web solution package is a .cab fi le with a .wsp extension that includes the
following fi les:
A manifest.xml that contains the deployment instructions for the assembly, including
custom CAS policy settings
A .dll file that is the compiled managed code assembly
Other resources to be deployed to the SharePoint server, like web parts, Features, or
Cascading Style Sheets
To deploy a solution, you must fi rst add it to the farm. You do this by running the
following stsadm command line on any web front - end server in the farm:
stsadm.exe -o addsolution -filename < Solution filename > [-lcid < language > ]
The solution fi lename parameter should include the full path to the .wsp fi le. The
optional language parameter can be used to install several language - specifi c copies of the
same solution.
After the solution has been added, you can use either the Central Administration
website or stsadm to schedule its deployment. Both methods allow a specifi c time and date
to be set for the deployment. You can also limit many solutions so they are deployed to
specifi c web applications. The Central Admin Solution Deployment link is in the Global
Confi guration section of the Operations tab. When you click this link, you will see a list of
.wsp solution fi les that have been added to the farm. Clicking on a specifi c .wsp fi le shows
you information about the solution. Clicking Deploy Solution in the toolbar takes you to
the interface shown in Figure 7.13, where you can schedule deployment of the solution.
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