Monday, October 17, 2011


I booted up my server this afternoon and tried to deploy a SharePoint solution package. I ran a deployment script which called stsadm commands to install and deploy several wsp files. The install script looks something like:

SET stsadm ="%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\BIN\STSADM.EXE"

%stsadm% -o addsolution -filename "MySolutionPackage.wsp"

%stsadm% -o execadmsvcjobs

%stsadm% -o deploysolution -name "MySolutionPackage.wsp" -allowgacdeployment -allcontenturls -immediate –force

%stsadm% -o execadmsvcjobs

Nothing special is happening here. After both the addsolution and deploysolution commands I get the following error:

The timer job for this operation has been created, but it will fail because the administrative service for this server is not enabled. If the timer job is scheduled to run at a later time, you can run the jobs all at once using stsadm.exe -o execadmsvcjobs. To avoid this problem in the future, enable the Windows SharePoint Services administrative service, or run your operation through the STSADM.exe command line utility.

I checked the services and found out that the Windows SharePoint Services Administration service wasn't running. After starting the service the errors weren't reproduced.

1:The timer job for this operation has been created, but it will fail because the administrative service for this server is not enabled

"The security validation for this page is invalid. Click Back in your Web browser, refresh the page, and try your operation again"

1: The security validation for this page is invalid

2:"The security validation for this page is invalid" error when updating objects through SharePoint object model
3:Web Page Security Validation

4:The security validation for this page is invalid

Error occurred in deployment step ‘Recycle IIS Application Pool’: The communication object, System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext, cannot be used for communication because it has been Aborted
When we are developing custom code through Visual Studio 2010 for SharePoint 2010 sites and when we try to deploy the solution then we might see below error.

"Error occurred in deployment step ‘Recycle IIS Application Pool’: The communication object, System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext, cannot be used for communication because it has been Aborted."

When I see this very first time and did not get any clue of what it is looking for and why it is not able to communicate to SharePoint sites. After some time, I though of doing some combinations and all failed in deploying the custom piece to SharePoint.


1. Sometimes when I do rebuild the project and didn't hit "Package" and deploy directly from Visual Studio it successful.
2. If it is not successful then the only way is RESTART your visual studio.

Frustrated? Yes, me too. But there is no way I found.

The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required
2)The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required

3)HttpWebRequest WebExcepton: The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.

The maximum number of Web Parts for all zones on this page has been exceeded
Error: The maximum number of Web Parts for all zones on this page has been exceeded

I came across this message today when I was working on a page that has more than 50 web parts on it.

Later after a bit of research I learnt that

* The limit is customizable in web.config file,
* 50 (default) -
* 100 (recommended max) -

However, no documentation has been found about

* The maximum number of web parts per web part zone
* The maximum number of web part zones per page

Please modify the following configration to increase the MaxZoneParts in the web.config for the web application.

Do not forget to restart IIS to make the setting work.

When you are looking at the page append the following at the end of your URL: ?contents=1

Your URL should look something like this:


This will open the web part maintenance page. How many web parts are listed? You might have a large number of closed web parts that aren't showing on the page but are actually still there.

Error in Activate Features from Visual Studio

I was re-deploying a solution from Visual Studio. My solution had custom Fields / Content Type declarations and was getting deployed to an existing site collection.

I noticed following errors :

Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': The field with Id {GUID} defined in feature {GUID} was found in the current site collection or in a subsite.


Error occurred in deployment step 'Activate Features': The content type with Id {GUID} defined in feature {GUID} was found in the current site collection or in a subsite.

First of all this is not a problem with Solution. As if you use STSADM / Powershell to deploy and activate features, it will work fine.

Actually there is something going on with VSSPHost4 process.

There are 2 solutions to this issue.

1. Close the Visual Studio and start again :)

2. Kill VSSPHost4 process. This can be done from SharePoint Powershell Management shell command prompt

stop-process -processname vssphost4 -force

SharePoint 2010 - Search Error - The search service is not able to connect to the machine that hosts the administration component

SharePoint - Server error: The URL is invalid, it may refer to a nonexistent file or folder or refer to a valid file that is not in the current Web

Error: SharePoint folders that are created programatically are hidden.

SharePoint 2010 - Access denied for users that have full control on the site

Sharepoint 2010 - An exception occurred when trying to issue security token: The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error

How to build a dynamic query for SPQuery with multiple OR conditions programatically?

"The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." exception when you try to access a file in SharePoint Document Library"

Making a SharePoint 2010 site externally available (Alternate Access Mappings, Host Header Bindings)

SharePoint : System.InvalidOperationException: The farm is unavailable.

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503 Service Unavailable

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Locale IDs Assigned by Microsoft

Page Layout: This Control is Currently Disabled.

Locale IDs (LCID) Assigned by Microsoft in SharePoint

Problem With List Views That Exceeds Browser Window Width

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